Diamonds - The Real Story

Most of you must have attracted by [world's biggest hole] from Sreedhara.
So happen that I was doing a project about Diamonds, and I read about this world deepest mine from National Geographic Magazine March, 2002.
National Geographics has made this special issue into Sights and Sounds presentation where they tell the whole story of diamonds. From the rough shape stones to the glittery precious diamonds which sell over the world. The whole process, the bright and the dark side of its industries.
In part 4, they talked about mining, where they showed the Mir Diamond Mine in East Siberia, Russia. The temperature there is minus 50 to 70 Fahrenheit, in which workers need felt boots and thick fur hats to work. The Mir mine pit spirals 2000 feet deep into the landscape. The first mine here was open at 1957 and spawned the entire city. It is so deep that a truck comes from the bottom of the mine would take 90 minutes to reach the surface.
Russian diamonds are very important in the world, they accounted for 14% to 20 % of the world’s supply.

Orapa mine, Botswana, Africa. IT produced 2.5 metric tons of diamonds in year 2000.

These diamonds cost USD 400 when you buy it from India.

Watch National Geographic's [Diamond - The Real Story]
Tags: National Geographic, Diamond, Siberia, Mine
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