First Muslim Miss England crowned

Hammasa Kohistani, 18, said she was "happy to make history" and was looking forward to representing England in the Miss World championships in China.
She was born in Tashkent, central Uzbekistan, after her parents were forced to flee Afghanistan. The brunette, who speaks six languages including Russian and Persian, was selected from 40 contestants. She was crowned on Saturday (Sept/03) night following the two-day competition at Liverpool's Olympia Theatre.
Asked about her feelings at being the first Muslim Miss England, she said: "I'm making history and I'm very happy. Hopefully I won't be the last."

News from [BBC]
*** Update ***
Sorry guys, I've made a terrible mistake, when I read the news from BBC I thought the news was on September 2006. Thanks Lee for the info, I check again and found that she was actually Miss England of 2005.
Here are the links:
Miss England 2005

And here's Miss England 2006:
Eleanor Glynn

[Tags] British, England, Miss England, Muslim, Hammasa Kohistani, Miss World [/Tags]
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