Hire me with PPP Direct
I have joined PPP January this year and started to write blogs review for them since them. I actually quite like the program, its like you write something based on your interest and you get paid!
Over the months, I have notice PPP's improvement, in terms of company size, and program features. And all of this, would benefit for us, the posties.
PPP has just launched PPP Direct recently. It is a kind of whole new blogging experience. PPP Direct allows advertisers (or just anyone) to contact you personally, telling you to write something for them, with a price of course. We as the posties can negotiate the price the the advertisers without any involvement from PPP.
Unlike other Review program, will charge you up to 50% markup, PPP Direct charges only 10% of the dealing price. Whereby half of the price they charged goes to PayPal and Credit Cards processing. Eliminating the middle man, including PPP themselves, you are making the most of your own money, without making money for others.
Still blur on what I am saying? Read the detail from the PPP Blog; Part One of the Birdo Release
Stil Blur Blur?? Watch the overview video instead; PayPerPost Direct Overview
Still Blur Blur Blurrr??? See it live in action with Andy Beard

Over the months, I have notice PPP's improvement, in terms of company size, and program features. And all of this, would benefit for us, the posties.
PPP has just launched PPP Direct recently. It is a kind of whole new blogging experience. PPP Direct allows advertisers (or just anyone) to contact you personally, telling you to write something for them, with a price of course. We as the posties can negotiate the price the the advertisers without any involvement from PPP.
Unlike other Review program, will charge you up to 50% markup, PPP Direct charges only 10% of the dealing price. Whereby half of the price they charged goes to PayPal and Credit Cards processing. Eliminating the middle man, including PPP themselves, you are making the most of your own money, without making money for others.
Still blur on what I am saying? Read the detail from the PPP Blog; Part One of the Birdo Release
Stil Blur Blur?? Watch the overview video instead; PayPerPost Direct Overview
Still Blur Blur Blurrr??? See it live in action with Andy Beard
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