Reality Of Fast Food
Interesting comparison of fast food shown in the menu and the orignal food served to the customer. On the left is the Menu photograph of the food and on the right is the actual food served to the customer, see how the actual meal from the fast food big name such as McD, KFC, Burger King, Taco Bell and etc.

Interesting comparison of fast food shown in the menu and the orignal food served to the customer. On the left is the Menu photograph of the food and on the right is the actual food served to the customer, see how the actual meal from the fast food big name such as McD, KFC, Burger King, Taco Bell and etc.

Interesting comparison of fast food shown in the menu and the orignal food served to the customer. On the left is the Menu photograph of the food and on the right is the actual food served to the customer, see how the actual meal from the fast food big name such as McD, KFC, Burger King, Taco Bell and etc.
Of course you realize in those pictures of "real food" it is usually wax, or some other non food item. Either that or it took them about 15-20 minutes to make each item. How many people would be willing to wait that long??
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