Meggie Q on Maxim

Margaret Denise Quigley doesn't exactly sound like an Asian superstar. So it's perhaps fortunate that these happened to be three words that no one in Hong Kong could ever pronounce - giving birth to the abbreviated legend that is Maggie Q. It's a name to remember - on the brink of martial arts stardom oovver here, the 28-year-old model and actress is already worshipped in Asia. 'It does make it difficult to leave the house without a disguise,' she laughs. 'And the fans are pretty intense. There was this Hong Kong cop who got access to my private phone number and address and made my life a misery.. Another fan sent me a collection of photos that were a montage of theirs and mine, so in every shot it looked like we were an item. That obviously went straight up on my living room wall.'
Not that you'd be advised to take liberties with the frankly stunning star of Naked Weapon and Rush Hour 2, Mission Impossible 3 and the latest Die Hard 4.0 (Live Free or Die Hard). Accomplished in the arts of Thai boxing and tae kwon do, the diminutive powerpack is a bit tasty in more ways than one, 'I did once knock out a cameraman on set. I accidentally nailed him with a kick that sent him flying. Luckily the camera was okay.'

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