007, James Joking Bond

This is a big joke I've ever heard. Our new James Bond 007 'Daniel Craig' might has license to kill, but does not have license to Drive! He cannot actually drive Bond's trademark Aston Martin.
[Daniel Craig unable to drive 007's car]:
It has been revealed that Daniel Craig shocked producers of the Casino Royale when he revealed that he cannot actually drive Bond's trademark Aston Martin.
Craig told Bond bosses that he is actually only qualified to drive an automatic transmission vehicle, which was a huge problem with driving the manual Aston Martin DB5.
Apparently filming actually had to be halted so that the actor could actually learn how to drive the fictional spy's hi-tech car.
There are disgruntled Bond fans have launched a Web site - [craig-not-bond.com] - to protest Craig's casting as their hero. They would eventually start a boycott on the movie.
To proove that how these group of people dislike the new Bond, just check out the [Craig Lookalikes].
tagged: Media, Casino Royale, Movie, 007, James Bond, Daniel Craig, Funny Junk, Humor