Why listen to your favourite tracks through a boring old boombox when you can have a DJ complete with bling pumping them out of a pair of plastic decks!
Just plug your iPod into this KNG docking station and watch the little fella get to work. The right arm scratches away on the wheels of steel while the left arm keeps a steady hand on the headphones. There's little information available about the technical specification or compatability of iPods - but I'll guess if you buy this, novelty is a bigger priority than sound quality.
Price is around $100 and the KNG docking station should be available late 2006.
Check out more pics via [
Plus some of the cool NBA cases

Ships for the Nano & the video iPods, limited edition.
Now this is just cool, the back is transparent so you can see the engraved stuff if you have, and the plastic is pretty flat, so it looks good on the iPod.
Ship date: 31/1/2006Prices: Nano-$25 Video-$30
Check out the
iPod Nano version & the
iPod Video version.
Credit [
Me, My Coke & I]